Improving Physical and Mental Health with Fish Oil

From improved brain health to skin health, fish oil supplements are full of surprising benefits. To be on the receiving end of these benefits, it’s advised to eat oily fish that are full of omega-3 fatty acids like herring, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, and salmon. A lot of people, though, either don’t like eating fish or don’t consume enough fish in their diet to get enough omega-3s. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults eat one to two portions of fish per day to capitalize on the benefits of omega-3s or take fish oil supplements to make up for this shortage.


Omega-3 Vs. Omega-6

While omega-3s are all about healthy fats, the Western lifestyle and diet are a little too focused on unhealthy fats. For the most part, the food we consume is heavy in unhealthy omega-6 fats, rather than the healthier omega-3s. This excess leads to more inflammation. To ensure that you’re not inadvertently causing inflammation, try to avoid regularly eating these items:

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Safflower and sunflower oils
  • Nuts and seeds


Get your Omega-3s with this quick and easy recipe for Garlic Tilapia!


Fighting Inflammation Naturally

The two most essential ingredients in fish oil supplements are Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic (DHA). EPA and DHA are naturally occurring in the body and help reduce inflammation. Ray Kurzweil and Dr. Terry Grossman associate inflammation with diseases like arthritis, asthma, cancer, and heart diseases. The best omega-3 supplements are ones with high EPA and DHA levels.


Why Supplement With Fish Oil

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that omega-3s may be directly linked to longevity. According to a recent study, people with higher omega-3 blood levels had an 18% lower risk of experiencing age-related diseases than those with lower blood levels. If you suffer from a weak heart pump, data that suggests that an omega-3 supplement could reduce the risk of related death. As a result, the National Institutes of Health considers fish oil supplementation as valuable in helping treat high blood pressure.  


Vegetarian or vegan? Try TRANSCEND’s Flax Seed Oil – a Fish Oil alternative!


The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There are many benefits associated with increased levels of omega-3 blood levels. Because of these, reputable sources like the American Heart Association recommend we change our diets to accommodate increased levels of omega-3s. Here are some of the potential benefits of taking fish oil

Heart Health: Evidence doesn’t wholly support the notion that fish oil can prevent heart disease. However, studies do show that people who take fish oil supplements are less likely to die of heart disease. When omega-3 blood levels rise, blood pressure tends to drop, while good cholesterol levels increase. Triglycerides may also lower by 15 to 30% when taking high doses of fish oil supplements. 

Eye Health: As we age, our eye health declines, leading to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Those who don’t get enough omega-3s are at a much higher risk of eye diseases. One study shows that after high doses of fish oil for 19 weeks, AMD patients experienced improved vision. 

Reduce Inflammation: Inflammation is our immune system’s way of fighting infection and treating injuries, but inflammation becomes a concern when it’s chronic. Chronic inflammation is associated with illnesses like obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart diseases. Fish oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate these diseases as well as side-effects from rheumatoid arthritis.

Mental Disorders: Our brains are 60% fat, meaning that they’re full of omega-3 fatty acids. One study shows that people with mental disorders, like depression or even schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, have lower levels of omega-3. So, those who take higher doses of fish oil or omega-3 supplements may be able to reduce some symptoms of mental disorders.  

Weight Loss: 39% of American adults are overweight, and 13% are obese, leading to a higher risk of diseases like heart disease. A combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and fish oil supplements can help people lose weight and reduce their waist circumference. 

Skin Health: Skin is our body’s largest organ, and it needs the most omega-3s to be healthy. Skin health tends to decline with age or overexposure to the sun. Fish oil supplements may be able to improve skin disorders like psoriasis and dermatitis.

Liver Health: The liver processes the majority of the fat in our bodies, which can lead to weight gain. Fish oil supplements may reduce inflammation of the liver, subsequently decreasing fat in the liver as well.

Brain Health: Fish oil may also help prevent age-related mental decline. Fish is known as “brain food,” because people who eat more fish and absorb more omega-3s tend to experience a slower mental decline. 


How to Increase Omega-3 Blood Levels

Increased omega-3 blood levels can be beneficial to everyone, and the adjustment can be as easy as replacing meat-heavy meals with fish. If you’re averse to the taste of fish, TRANSCEND’s fish oil supplement can be a great alternative to increase the presence of this fatty acid in your body. 

If you aren’t interested in taking fish oil, TRANSCEND’s Flax Seed Oil supplement may be right for you. Remember, before making any adjustments to your supplement routine, consult your doctor to find out if it’s right for you!


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