
$19.79 USD
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve blood flow in the heart and brain
  • Help reduce atherosclerosis
  • Support blood vessel health
  • Enhance sexual function in men

Nitric oxide, manufactured in the linings of blood vessels, is a potent vasodilator - i.e., an agent that can increase the diameter of the blood vessel, allowing more blood to flow. By dilating arteries, more blood flow is available to tissues. Beneficial effects of arginine supplementation include better blood flow to the heart and brain, lower blood pressure and better erections in men. By taking supplemental arginine, you can ensure that adequate raw material is on hand for NO synthesis.

Exercise, particularly intense exercises like sprinting, demands additional energy from the body. This energy need produces additional lactates, which can increase muscle pain. Arginine supplementation enhances exercise endurance while it reduces the heart rate and reduces circulating lactates.2

l-Arginine is found in protein-rich foods such as meat and fish. The average Western daily diet contains 5 grams of l-Arginine, much of which comes from red meat consumption. Kurzweil and Grossman generally recommend 3-6 grams of arginine per day.


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