Cholesterol Support

$27.49 USD

    A Kurzweil + Grossman Formula

  • Maintain cholesterol within a normal range
  • Use in conjunction with healthy diet
  • Natural ingredients working together

Cholesterol still plays a major role in the new inflammation-based understanding of heart disease. The inflammation process starts with excess LDL ("bad cholesterol") particles burrowing into walls of the coronary arteries lining and become oxidized. A critical approach to reducing cardiovascular risk is to keep LDL cholesterol at an optimal level.

According to the TRANSCEND Longevity Program, the optimal range for total cholesterol is 160 to 180. Ideally, LDL Cholesterol should be less than 100, unless you have multiple risk factors for heart disease, in which case it should be less than 80. HDL-Cholesterol ("good cholesterol") should be 60 or higher.

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