
$29.21 USD
  • Combat internal aging
  • Protect cells from radiation damage
  • Increase antioxidant capacity
  • Take with lecithin for better absorption
  • Optimal dose for daily use

Resveratrol is the active ingredient in red wine that helps explain the "French paradox," namely that the French typically eat a diet quite high in saturated fat, yet suffer a low rate of atherosclerotic heart disease. Resveratrol appears to work as a powerful antioxidant helping quench free radical damage in the body1, but also has a unique mechanism of action that may prove to have significant life extension properties. Resveratrol appears to help maintain healthy DNA and plays an important role in protecting cells and supporting mitochondrial function.2,9

Resveratrol may produce benefits similar to caloric restriction (CR).3, 7 The most powerful means of extending life span in animals appears to be through CR. While CR has not been shown to result in life extension in humans, some early studies suggest it may produce this desirable benefit.4 However, restricting calories by 30 percent or more is necessary to produce these benefits and is very difficult for most people. Research has focused on compounds that affect SIRT1, the gene that seems most closely linked with life extension from caloric restriction.


*Not allowed for import in Japan.

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