Vitamin D3, 5000IU

  • Optimum form and high potency dose
  • Maintain bone health
  • Support healthy eyes
  • Protect teeth
  • Avoid deficiency

Vitamin D has been studied for a number of exciting applications and is emerging as a key nutrient for long term health. It is needed to utilize calcium and phosphorus in the body, to promote bone growth, and to maintain bone density.

The two main forms of Vitamin D are Ergocalciferol (D2), primarily derived from diet, and Cholecalciferol (D3), synthesized within the body when the skin is exposed to UVB rays.

Vitamin D2 is found in high concentrations in mushrooms (a rare source of D for vegans) and in moderate concentrations in fatty fish, such as wild salmon. However, it's difficult to get enough vitamin D from food. In some countries, foods like cereals, milk and margarine are fortified to include moderate levels of the vitamin, but many of these foods are not ideal to consume in large amounts.

Smog, latitude, sunscreen and time of day all impact the amount of D3 your skin can make from the sun in any given period. Although vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, it can only be stored in the body for sixty days, increasing the risk of deficiency in climates with shorter summers and less daylight hours.

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