
  • Stimulate bone formation
  • Inhibit bone loss
  • Promotes arterial health
  • Bioavailable form of K2

Vitamin K is most commonly known for its role in blood clotting. Individuals who are taking blood thinning medications must be aware of their vitamin K intake.

One particularly useful form of Vitamin K is K-2 (menaquinone). Dietary intake of menaquinone is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, as demonstrated in the Rotterdam Study.1

Research shows that vitamin K-2 and its related proteins are critically important for bone health and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K-2 can increase bone formation.2 At the same time, this vitamin decreases bone loss.3,4 The combined effect makes this a perfect nutrient for maintaining bone health and density.

Vitamin K-2 affects proteins in the body that are heavily involved in bone mineralization and vascular health. Reduction in these protein levels has been shown to lead to vascular calcification (a part of atherosclerosis) as well as to bone fractures.5 Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) typically have lower levels of this nutrient and methods are under development to track vitamin K in clinic studies involving RA and osteoporosis.6

MK-7 is a highly biologically active form of Vitamin K-2.


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