Milk Thistle

$13.09 USD
  • Detoxification
  • Supports healthy liver function
  • Blocks and deflects toxins1
  • Inhibits lipid deterioration in cell walls4

People today are exposed to an increasing variety and amount of environmental toxins. The overwhelming burden of "detoxification,"the process of making these harmful substances less toxic and preparing them for removal from the body is done by the liver. Fortunately, the liver has remarkable detoxification and regenerative powers, yet today's increased body burden of toxins can easily overwhelm the liver's ability to complete its task of detoxification.

The seeds and fruits of the milk thistle plant, a member of the daisy family, contain the bioflavinoid silymarin which has powerful hepatoprotective properties. Silymarin has been shown to protect the liver from free radical damage as it goes about its business of ridding the body of toxins.2

Multiple clinical trials have shown that milk thistle supports normal liver function. For instance, in cases of exposure to the poisonous mushroom A. phalloides, milk thistle has been shown to be hepatoprotective.3,5


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