Total Care Daily Formula

$49.05 USD

A Kurzweil + Grossman Formula

  • Optimal vitamin/mineral foundation
  • Includes three powerful antioxidants
  • Supports overall health and wellness
  • Unique formula designed by Ray & Terry

 One of the steps in Ray & Terry's TRANSCEND™ personalized health program is Supplementation. To actively reprogram your biochemistry, we recommend that you evaluate your supplementation needs and supply your body with the nutrients that it needs to fight imbalance and aging.

Many people believe that if you eat properly, vitamin and mineral supplementation is unnecessary. But there are compelling reasons why this is untrue.1Many people have a need for one or more nutrients far in excess of RDA amounts, and for optimal health, these needs can not be ignored.

Even the usually conservative Journal of the American Medical Association has come out and said "Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone." (JAMA, June 2002)2

*Product not shipped to the state of California. Please contact for further information.

*Not allowed for import in Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Latvia, or Norway (considered a medication requiring prescription)

*May not be allowed for import by EU countries due to Total Care Daily Formula. Check with customs prior to ordering this product.



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