$30.47 USD
  • Lose body fat
  • Increase energy levels
  • Preserve lean muscle
  • Improve metabolism

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a beneficial unsaturated fatty acid naturally present in dairy and meat products. Created in the stomachs of ruminant animals such as cows, one of the most potent natural sources of CLA is beef, with grass-fed livestock producing more than their corn-fed counterparts.1

Clinical research has shown that CLA is associated with loss of body fat.2,3,4 Doses of between 1.8 and 3 grams per day have been shown to reduce body fat in human studies, while preserving lean muscle mass.5 Supplementing with CLA as part of a healthy exercise and nutrition program may increase metabolism and aids fat burning potential, helping to maintain a healthy body weight over the long term. This fatty acid supports lean body mass and healthy adults can benefit from its ability to help regulate cellular energy intake and output, reducing fat composition particularly in the abdominal area.6,7

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